How AI is revolutionising the gaming industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has played a huge role in the gaming industry for a very long time. While it may seem like a relatively new innovation to people, it's actually been a part of games since the beginning. It may seem strange when we talk about something revolutionising the industry, but that's because AI is taking new steps and becoming much more important than ever before. We've looked at some of the ways in which AI is having a huge impact on gaming, taking it to a whole new level.

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Online casino gaming

This is an area that is often overlooked when talking about gaming. However, to do so is extremely unfair. Danish online casinos have actually been at the forefront of some of the biggest technological advancements in the gaming industry, being a prime example. 

So, how is artificial intelligence revolutionizing online casino gaming? Simply put, AI allows players to enjoy a whole range of different casino games at a much higher level. Online poker is a perfect example of this. Previously, the only way to get real poker playing online was to join a room with other players. Improvements in artificial intelligence technology mean that there are poker rooms online that are fully occupied by artificial intelligence competitors. This means that players can have fun playing poker even if no one is online at the same time as them. It also means that players can learn to play at a much higher level, especially if they have only ever played against a substandard team.

Of course, this is only a small area in which AI affects the online casino world. It is also used in a number of other games, security measures and even customer service. 

Creating smarter enemies

One thing about AI in the past was that it was always limited. This meant that players could learn how it behaved and then adapt to their own style of play to focus on any weaknesses in the AI. This was due to a number of factors: memory and production limitations, and even programmer limitations. The AI was certainly more predictable in previous generations of video games.

In today's world, this is not always the case. AI has been designed to the point where it tries to replicate the real world in several ways. Firstly, modern AI is designed to learn how to play. So, if you regularly walk in through the front door when you play a first-person shooter, then the AI will learn from that and start planning that method of entry. If you enjoy playing with wings in FIFA, the AI will learn this and try to put you in the middle, where it can outnumber you. This hasn't always been the case, as there have been certain weaknesses in games that experienced players could exploit. 

Secondly, the interaction in role-playing games is greatly improved. When you play a game, your actions will cause fluctuations in NPC behaviour . So, if you shoot someone while playing a sandbox game like GTA, it will make a difference in terms of how the people who witnessed it will react to you.

This is a big difference from the artificial intelligence of past generations, which had a set way of behaving that you couldn't deviate from. Regardless of how you played the game, there was an AI that could be predicted. This led to games becoming obsolete over time, as gameplay always remained the same. Improved AI means that you can play a new game every time.

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AI can experience emotion

Emotions may never be fully programmable. Feelings such as love and hate are so intrinsic to humans that even animals don't feel them the way we do. This makes it extremely difficult to program it realistically in video games. Nevertheless, it's an area that many video game companies are working hard on. Sony in particular has spent a lot of time, money and effort on this effort. 

It's such an important part of the games of the future that there are whole divisions working on creating AI that actually thinks for itself. As open-world games become more popular, players want a more immersive experience. This has had a huge impact on the development of games in the genre. While story is still a very important part of gameplay, game developers have worked to create an increasingly realistic world in which the story will take place. 

This means that the AI of almost every character in the game now aims to be as close to its own living being as possible. This is becoming increasingly likely for one big reason: cloud computing. In the past, there were hardware limitations for consoles and PCs. Games had to run on the hardware available to players. This restriction has been removed with the advent of cloud computing. 

Cloud computing allows game developers to actually create a fully immersive world for gamers without having to worry about how it might slow down the overall experience. This opens up the opportunity for games to be several orders of magnitude larger in both size and overall scope. Together with artificial intelligence developments, this can give games the ability to provide backstory and character for every NPC in the game. No more random snippets of chat in densely populated areas. Games have the potential to become almost realistic. 

