Symptoms of intestinal inversion in children

An inversion of the intestines or, in another way, an intestinal obstruction is formed when the intestine is partially twisted or its space is blocked by a tumor. In this case, blood flow is always disrupted in the damaged intestine, which causes the development of gangrene. If medical care is not provided in time, this disease will lead to a fatal outcome. This is a rather serious disease found among adults, but it is most dangerous among children.The causes and signs of a bowel twist can occur when twisting only one loop of the intestine. The causes of this pathology are abdominal injuries, sharp turns of the body, the formation of tumors in the intestine, severe constipation, the presence of adhesions, infringement, overlap of the intestinal lumen and infection with helminths, overflow of intestinal feces. Inversion occurs complete and partial, congenital and acquired. According to the levels, there are colonic and small-intestinal, high and low obstruction. The etiology of the disease is dynamic or mechanical.- With the disease, the movement of fecal masses in the intestine is disrupted, leading it to a state of obstruction, overflowing it and stretching it, and its functions are disrupted.- Compression of the intestine entails serious consequences, because blood vessels are also squeezed. Blood circulation is disrupted, perforation forms, which leads to inflammation of the peritoneum and peritonitis.- This pathology is extremely dangerous, because it can lead the intestines to necrosis, and peritonitis to death. That is why it is so important to know and remember about the symptoms accompanying intestinal obstruction. Immediately upon their appearance, you should immediately seek medical help from a doctor.Young children are especially susceptible to this disease, since their disease can begin to develop due to a hernia of the esophageal opening. Inversion of the intestines is common among infants, a little less often this pathology occurs in five- to six-year-olds. Children under one year old who are on artificial feeding most often suffer from this disease.Intestinal inversion symptoms in children- Acute abdominal pain, vomiting, - An increase in general body temperature,- Stool with blood or mucus inclusions.- At the same time, the children behave worried, refuse to eat, cry, squeeze their legs. A sudden attack also ends suddenly.- After another attack, double vomiting immediately occurs, the cause of which is the closure of the intestinal lumen. Parents should pay special attention to the emptying of the intestines of the child.- Compaction, bloating in the lower abdomen, severe constipation and the resulting gases are obvious symptoms of intestinal obstruction. After some time from the onset of the disease, the discharge of gases and feces may well stop completely.Most parents often do not attach much importance to this condition of the child and confuse the resulting inversion of the intestines with a common intestinal infection. That is why, instead of ambulance doctors, they are waiting for a district therapist called to the house, losing precious hours and minutes. This disease should be treated immediately, because it can provoke quite serious consequences and harm the health of the baby. A sick child should be urgently shown to a surgeon, otherwise negative consequences may appear, such as severe intoxication and dehydration of the body, intestinal necrosis.The treatment is carried out in a hospital. First, conservative treatment, including paranephral or presacral blockade using a 0.25% novocaine solution. At the same time, drugs are used that eliminate pain, and with the help of a dropper, toxins are removed from the blood. The cleansing procedure includes a siphon enema, which in some cases is effective in the treatment of intestinal inversion. If the desired effect could not be achieved, surgical treatment is carried out, which is considered the most radical and common method of treatment. The elimination of the invagination site in children is carried out by doctors with their hands, using manipulations on the abdomen. If a disease occurs, it is extremely dangerous to self-medicate. Therefore, in order to avoid serious consequences, take timely measures for timely treatment. 24Betting India ( official website ) has already gained a lot of popularity—thanks to the variety of live entertainment this casino offers. The casino continues to improve and introduce new features for its users to enhance the user experience.

