A media company with a difference, KDMPL is dedicated to technology and the people who buy, influence technology in India. Our core focus into tech media landscape and represent the largest tech portfolio in the country.
VARINDIA – mouth piece of Indian ICT Industry and it has recognized as the ultimate voice of Indian Value Added Resellers (VARs)in the country. GainedNo.1 Market share in the print media, with its wide presence in the Metro, A, B and C class cities by reaching to over 30,000 subscribersin270 towns & cities in India through a single monthly publication.
It is theprime source of news and business insight for IT resellers, systems integrators, managed service providers, IT solutions companies and distributors and vendors.
The VARINDIA website is the daily source of breaking news from the world of IT, relentlessly focused on the needs of the Indian channel Partners.
The DailyNewswire, VARINDIA News Services (VNS) is preferred by 90% of the partners for theirupdate on the latest technology news, views and analysis.
Kalinga Digital Media(KDMPL) is the India’s leading Technology media, events and research company with specialization into Information & Communications Technology (ICT) industry. Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Delhi, India.
With expertise in branding, lead generation and social media marketing, VARINDIA marketing services programmes are strategically designed and implemented to influence technology vendor prospects worldwide.
A recognized leader in organising conference and exhibition management, KDMPL produces more than 50 International, National and Regional branded technology conferences and events across the country in a year .