Since 21 years in India, Kalinga Digital Media has been organizing about 50+ technology events in India and abroad. There are two other publicationsBrand Book (Annual Coffee Table Book), a reference book for CIO/CTO/CXO community across all verticals and it is the vehicle for the companies investment into Technology and SPO INDIAa monthly publication that speaks about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability initiatives done by the Corporates, Government,PSUs and CPSUs.
Channel Brands- VARINDIA
VARINDIA has a strong mandate to support all the Government initiatives on Make in India, Skill India, Start-up India and CSR initiatives through three different publications in the Print as well as through the electronic medium.
The sales, editorial operations are pan India with 7 Branch Offices andone state of art and advanced technology Test center and Studio in New Delhi, India .
Enterprise Brands- Brand Book
Spanning the entire business IT sector, our market-leading Enterprise brands deliver the specialist insight and intelligence needed by every technology buyer and influencer to help them successfully drive, manage and execute IT within their organisation.
Our channel brands dominate in India, with major events like the Star Nite Awards,Infotech Forum and Regional Forums (events in Mumbai, Bangaluru, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar) a substantially larger channel audience than any other media company.
Consumer Focused Brands- SPO INDIA
In the consumer and SMB sector, our Tech Media group brands are dedicated to equipping the tech buyer or influencer with the guidance and knowledge that will help them get the most out of the technology they use and the gadgets they buy.
SPO India is the publication specializes by covering the CSR initiatives of the enterprises and Government initiatives in the country.