Cuban cigars

The first cigars, in the form in which we now know them, began to do only in the 17th century in Cuba. More precisely, Tobacco was grown in Cuba, and cigars were twisted in Spain. And only in the 18-19 centuries, other countries were engaged in the production of cigars. However, Tobacco was still growing only in Cuba there also developed the main production of cigars - several hundred items. And only in the mid-20th century, grown tobacco and produce cigars began in other countries of the Caribbean.
It is not surprising that Cuban cigars are considered one of the best, on the balance of the fragrance and the quality of tobacco - in a couple of century, the skill of the manufacture of cigars was brought to perfection.
However, it is worth noting that this is true for manual twist cigars. They are not difficult to learn - the surface has a silky shine, and in the box the color of the cigar is slightly different. Such cigars are always natural, without flavors and other additives, are made of solid leaf tobacco. Handmade cigars are celebrated by the "TotalMente a mano" stamp at the bottom of the box.
Another version of Cuban cigars is partially handmade. Such cigars are twisted by the machine, and only a long coating and binding sheet wrapped manually. In the price segment such cigars occupy a lower position than cigars exceptionally handmade. On the box with the "floor manual" cigars stands the Hecho A Mano stamp.
The most inexpensive Cuban cigars - machine twist. They are always the same size and color, the surface of their matte. Machine twist cigars can be both one-piece tobacco leaves and cut tobacco inside, most often it is Sigarilla, the so-called "small cigars". On the box with machine cigars is stamp - "Hecho En Cuba" or "Machine".
I would especially like to note the Cuban Panetela cigars - they are smaller in diameter than standard, look more elegantly, but others do not give up the classic cigar otherwise, and sometimes they are superior to the fortress. Their distinctive feature is brighter, even a rescued fragrance that compensates for the size.
The average length of Cuban cigars ranges in the area of ​​14 cm, but there are also giants, like Cohiba Lancero (19cm), as well as 10 centimeter babes like Cohiba Siglo. There are, of course, among the Cuban cigars and samples of smaller sizes, but they, as a rule, twisted on the machine and, rather, belong to Sigarllam.
A manual or machine twist, each cigar, even from the same box differs in the aroma and the taste, which adds special attractiveness. But there are Cuban cigars and common features - a "soft" bouquet without sharp transitions, even the strongest copies, rather cool smoke that smoking is pleasant and easy.
Basic notes of Cuban cigars - coffee, cedar, spicy fruit aroma and lightweight sweetness. Tints of leather, wood, lightweight grounds are inherent in separate species, for example, Bolivar Belicoso Fino, Cohiba Lancero, Cuaba Tradicional, Hoyo de Monterrey. Of course, it is impossible to describe all the shades of the bouquet of Cuban cigars, they need to feel and fully appreciate - experimenting, trying.
There are many nuances, on which the impression of the cigar depends - they can only be understood in practice. But, with confidence you can say one thing - who smoked the Cuban cigar, then this fragrance will not be confused with anything. Play casino india for free online

