Telegram intros secure Payments 2.0
Telegram has introduced a new feature called Payments 2.0 in its latest update with Bot API v.5.2, extending the feature to any chat, including Groups and Channels. The app has upgraded the mass audio broadcasting feature in Voice Chats 2.0 (which was launched last month) to improve engagement among users and help the admins to manage conversations easily. Telegram has added Scheduling capabilities to the platform with on-time Voice Chat reminders, and Mini profiles for Voice Chats, for users to seamlessly check with whom they are chatting without leaving the Voice Chat window. Additionally, it has rolled out features such as Pinch to Zoom and Improved Video Player to enhance the overall chat experience.
Payments 2.0
Telegram allowed the merchants to accept credit card payments in any private chats with users, Groups and Channels through 8 different integrated third- party payment providers. This include the names such as Stripe, Yandex. Money, Sberbank, Tranzzo, Payme, CLICK, LiqPay, ECOMMPAY. This payment feature is currently available in 200 different countries, and India is one of these. The company is planning to further extend this feature to other countries, as well.
Merchants who are interested in this feature needs to create a basic bot that provides Goods and Services to the users. Merchant bots can send specially formatted invoice messages to users, groups or channels. Buyers can also add a tip amount if they are happy with the merchant. Payments can now be made from any app – including desktop apps.
This is a free and privacy-conscious platform – Telegram takes no commission, and stores no payment information. Credit card information is sent directly to the payment provider and shipping information is shared with the merchant so they can send you your goods. Merchants can directly start using the payments API as they don’t need any prior approvals from Telegram. Developers interested in integrating payments can find all the details in the Payments Manual.
Voice Chats 2.0 – Scheduling, Reminders and Mini Profiles
Now admins can easily schedule a Voice Chat for a particular date and time in any Channels or Telegram Groups. This overall help to set a theme of the conversation, and promote it accordingly. This also gives the community members and other speakers to prepare for the same in advance. Users will see a colourful countdown at the top of the chat. Users who are unable to see the countdown can opt to receive a notification when the voice chat starts. Mini profiles helps to quickly change the picture and bio without leaving the voice chat window. It helps to identify the basic profile of the person you are chatting with during the Voice Chat session.
Admins can schedule a Voice Chat from their Group or Channel's profile page. On Android, tap ⋮ > Start Voice chat > Schedule Voice Chat. On iOS, tap the Voice Chat button and select Schedule Voice Chat.
Two Newer web versions – Telegram Web K and Web Z
Web K -
Web Z -
Telegram has introduced two new web versions which are fully featured including animated stickers, dark mode, chat folders, etc. These versions are incredibly efficient, requires no installation, and standalone (multiple- device accessibility) like all the other Telegram app versions.
Direct Download – For Mobile versions
This new update is already available for download on the Apple iOS Store. Users can download Telegram for Android directly from Apps installed from the website will automatically update to the latest version. Users are likely to get new versions several days or weeks faster this way because one won't have to wait for updates to be reviewed by the store. Telegram supports reproducible builds, so one can always be sure that the app on the device was built from the exact same open source code that is published on GitHub.
Improved Features – Animations and Video Player
Pinch to Zoom allows users to directly zoom a picture from the chat, they don’t need to click on the same and wait till it gets open with the media viewer. This slightly fasten up the process and make it a seamless experience.
Users can now easily rewind or fast-forward the videos playing on their iOS and Android devices. On iOS, u press and hold the + or - 15s buttons to fast-forward and rewind. On Android press and hold on the right or left side of the screen to do the same, and double-tap to jump 10 seconds in either direction.
The Android app gets smoother and more dynamic with the new animations when opening the side menu or swiping back to the chat list from a chat.
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