Canon India announced the launch of its new mobile applications, Canon Care and Mobile CMP, and WhatsApp services. The new mobile applications endeavour to strengthen Canon’s prowess in delivering end to end customer support, thereby setting a benchmark in the service segment. WhatsApp services have been introduced to assist customers with their queries, especially during these difficult times when technology is playing a key role in keeping us connected. It will be available in English, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam and Bengali languages.
As part of its persistent customer servicing efforts, Canon India will provide 24x7 assistance to customers through the new mobile applications and most widely used messenger service WhatsApp. It will help the company to connect better with customers not only in metro cities but also in remote places across India. Servicing both B2B and B2C customers, the new mobile applications and WhatsApp service will provide a seamless experience making it the easiest and the most valuable source of customer connect with the organization. Canon Care mobile app, aims to help printer users, through features such as booking a service request, purchase cartridge and extended warranty, locating nearest service centre and download software/drivers. They will also be able to track their request status and schedule an engineer visit if needed. Through Mobile CMP, Canon will be catering to the service requirements of B2B customers, by offering features like logging service call and view ticket history, toner request, view contract period, viewing machine life and request for contract renewal. Customers can also log service/toner requests and check for status on the existing queries. With 24x7 availability, customers can directly interact with Canon India through WhatsApp and get a prompt response for their queries/service requests.
Kazutada Kobayashi, President & CEO of Canon India said, “At Canon India, service is an integral part of our everyday operations and the backbone of our legacy in the country. Our service team, called ‘Market Engineering’ ensures that we maintain constant communication with our customers from the point of purchase to throughout their journey with us. During these unprecedented times, it is imperative for brands to reinvent their service mechanism and utilize the digital platforms efficiently. Putting our customers first, we are delighted to introduce the new first ever service centric mobile applications along with the WhatsApp services, which understand and manage their diverse requirements. Through our impeccable service outreach backed by the latest innovations across all product segments, we will continue to strengthen our commitment towards ‘Customer Delight’.”
Canon Care and Mobile CMP provide an organized and automated process of ensuring seamless customer service. Customers will be able to register every Canon product on apps and will be able to see a step by step progress of their service tickets. Mobile CMP is now available to download from Google Play store and IOS App store while Canon Care is available on Google Play Store and will soon launch on App Store for iPhone users. Customers can send their queries or raise service requests via WhatsApp on number +91 91085 10853.
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