Bollywood actor Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal have been rumoured to be in a relationship for a long time now. Zaheer in a recent social media post said 'I love you' to Sonakshi. The Notebook actor penned a belated birthday note for the actress and confessed his feelings for her.
However, Sonakshi seems to have friend zoned Zaheer.
On the occasion of National Best Friend, Sonakshi Sinha shared several photos with her best friends. One of the pictures also featured her rumoured boyfriend Zaheer Iqbal.
Sonakshi and Zaheer can be seen twinning in black in the photo. While sharing the photos, Sonakshi wrote, "It's #NationalBestFriendDay! Lol! i can't believe these clowns have a day dedicated to them. Here they are (not in order of preference they are all equally exotic and add lots of happiness to my life) (sic)."
While Sonakshi turned a year older on June 2, Zaheer penned a belated birthday note for the actress. Sharing a video of Sonakshi on his Instagram handle, Zaheer wrote, "Happy Birthday Sonzzz Thank You for not killing me. I Love You. Here’s to a lot more food, flights, love and laughter P.s - This video sums up the entire time we’ve known each other. (sic)."
On the work front, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal will be seen together in Double XL that also stars Huma Qureshi in one of the key roles. Mudassar Aziz has written the story of the film while Satramm Ramani has directed the movie.
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