Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has launched NITI Aayog's platform 'NITI For States', a digital public infrastructure for policy and governance. The Minister also inaugurated the 'Viksit Bharat Strategy Room' at NITI Aayog. The 'Viksit Bharat Strategy Room' will enable visualization and engagement with insights, sharing of information and knowledge to enable effective in-person decision-making.
As per the official statement, the new platform will consist of a multi-sectoral live repository of 7,500 best practices, 5,000 policy documents, over 900 datasets, 1,400 data profiles, and 350 NITI publications.
The platform offers knowledge products spanning 10 sectors which includes agriculture, education, energy, health, livelihoods and skilling, manufacturing, MSME, tourism, urban, water resources and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) across two cross-cutting themes — gender and climate change.
The platform will equip government officials with robust, contextually relevant, and actionable knowledge and insights.
The platform will also help district collectors and block-level functionaries by providing them access to innovative best practices across various states and Union Territories.
The 'Viksit Bharat Strategy Room' is an interactive space where users will be able to visualise data, trends, best practices and policies in an immersive environment and make a holistic assessment of any problem statement.
The platform facilitates the users to interact through voice-enabled AI and video conferencing to connect multiple stakeholders. It is designed to become a plug-and-play model to enable replication at state, district and block levels.
In this initiative by NITI Aayog, different government organizations have collaborated which includes iGOT (Integrated Government Online Training) Karmayogi — an online platform for skill training.
NITI Aayog's National Data and Analytics Platform (NDAP) has also been integrated with the platform to make various datasets accessible to policymakers.
National E-Governance Division (NeGD) has extended support to develop the Viksit Bharat Strategy Room while the multi-lingual support has been provided by Bhashini. PM Gatishakti BISAG-N team, with the support of DPIIT, has also been integrated for providing the geospatial tool for area-based planning.
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