Twitter has introduced a new feature that will let Blue subscribers post 10,000-character-long posts. The social networking service has also added support for bold and italic text formatting. In February, the social network introduced 4,000-character-long tweets for Blue subscribers to encourage people to publish longer posts instead of threads. This company’s push for long-form writing comes at a time when Elon Musk is introducing creator monetization tools.
Musk announced that creators can apply for monetization and offer subscriptions to users. For the next 12 months, Twitter will give all money to creators after paying Apple or Google their 30% cut. Post that, the Apple/Google tax will reduce to 15% and the social media company will take a smaller fee from creators.
However, Google’s terms indicate that it charges only 15% of fees on subscriptions. So it’s not clear why Musk said the search giant’s charge was 30%.
Currently, creators can offer subscriptions at per-month prices of $2.99, $4.99 and $9.99. Twitter’s rules indicate that creators need to be at least 18 years old, they need to have 10,000 active followers, and they need to have tweeted at least 25 times in the last 30 days to be eligible for monetization.
Now, Twitter’s monetization program is only available for users in the U.S. But Musk said the company is working to expand the program to other countries.
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