Several eminent scientists in the country have begun a crusade to caution the Government against rushing into auctioning of spectrum for the industry to roll-out 5G technology based services in the country.
These scientists are campaigning, writing letters to Government and Parliamentarians and other opinion makers.A quick look at the 5G appeal
The appeal states:
“We the undersigned, scientists and doctors, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry.”
Wireless technology works by sending signals that are transmitted as energy waves. The recent findings related to the real-world implementation of 5G technology has not been generating the right kind of hype. If at all India wants to go for 5G then, the country needs to double its tower site fiberization from 31% to 62% in the next 12-18 months.
Data consumption in India is growing rapidly and users are looking for new, richer experiences every day. 5G could be the answer to the digital aspirations harbored by the industry and our society. However, considering the underlying infrastructural and business challenges faced by the telecom sector; a coordinated roadmap between the public and private sector can go a long way in cementing the right ecosystem required for the successful adoption of 5G in India.
The report from Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) says,the total number of 219,949 TSP sites out of total 706,948 TSP sites have been fiberised.only 31% of TSP sites have been connected to the fiber network in the country whereas in developed economies it is around 60-70% or even higher in some countries.
With just 31 percent which is far too low in terms of providing good quality telecom services. Across the country every citizen is effected by the mobile connectivity and the 1.3 billion Indians, which are badly affected by poor voice and data quality network irrespective of the geography and service provider. The situation is need to be improved by Indian operators if they plan to launch good 5G services in 2020.
5G is and how it differs from the current standard - 4G. This will help us understand why there are many complications associated with 5G. This factor plays a critical role in your mobile browsing experience. If you want to stream in HD, a 3G connection gave you fair enough speeds while 4G can easily stream 1080p videos, granted a good connection. As per the theory, 5G can offer 1000x times the speed of 4G. In essence, with good coverage, you can stream 4K videos on your phone, or have a bandwidth of 100 Gb per second.
India’s digital economy has the potential to reach USD 1 trillion by the year 2025 driven by increased proliferation of smart phones, increased internet penetration, growth of mobile broadband, growth of data and social media. As telecom networks evolve to 5G, operators are looking to simplify operations and reduce time to market for new functionalities.
5G is expected to deliver 25 times faster speed of 1 gigabit per second compared to 4G. Rajeev Suri,CEO,Nokia said that after leading markets like the US, South Korea, China, emerging markets including India, Latin America, and certain developed markets will see roll out of the next generation technology by 2021, where million of trade secrets will flow on the network; and security will be a top priority for businesses.
As per GSMA, the launch of 5G by various Countries:
2019 – Australia, Guam, Hong Kong, Northern Mariana Islands and Philippines
2020 – China, India, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Vietnam
2025 – Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Samoa and Thailand
Many experts says, there could be generation of Radiation to come from the 5G, which is of two types—ionizing and non-ionizing. Gamma rays and X-rays are ionizing, they are so energetic that they rip break atoms in our body and cause cancer. Sunlight and waves from TV sets are non-ionizing, they are okay.
Lastly, during the test phase prior to introducing 5G as a regular technology, government, medical commission-monitored cell biology measurements must be mandatory.
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