Photos of newly built Ayodhya railway station are getting viral on social media, X. The photos show the beautiful railway station with majestic platforms and incredible infrastructure. It has been claimed that these are the photos of newly built railway station at Ayodhya, with captions like “Incredible, Majestic Ayodhya.” However, investigation points out that the photographs are generated by AI.
Earlier in 2023, several media reports surfaced regarding the Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation's plans to introduce metro services in Ayodhya, Varanasi, and Mathura. However, neither the official website of the UP Metro Rail Corporation nor their social media accounts have published a similar-looking blueprint of Ayodhya's metro station.
Additionally, a senior official in Ayodhya confirmed that there is currently no proposal for a metro station in the city.
Moreover, conducting a reverse image search on the viral photo revealed a post from the Twitter account "@mp_index." On October 27, the account shared the identical picture, asserting it to be a conceptual representation of the Ayodhya railway station in line with the redevelopment project. The post also featured an authentic photo of the Ayodhya railway station for comparative purposes.
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