Amazon India has silently launched Prime Gaming, giving access to the latest and trending video games for Amazon Prime subscribers in India. Prime subscribers can now access these games on the official website, and can download games on their Windows PC for free.
The company is offering free games like Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, The Amazing American Circus, Doors: Paradox and more via the Amazon Games app, which is currently available for the Windows platform. Amazon is only offering in-game content for titles like Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare 2, Destiny 2, FIFA 2023, Rogue Company, and more.
Only eight full games are available for free at launch, and they can only be claimed for a two-week period (other game subscriptions like PlayStation Plus work similarly, where a title can be claimed and be played as long as the user is still subscribed to the service). These games are Quake, Spinch, Desert Child, Brothers: A Tale of Two Suns, Banners of Ruin, Rose Riddle 2, The Amazing American Circus, and Doors: Paradox.
One can access Prime Gaming for free in India if he/she already has the Prime subscription. For the rest, one can buy Amazon Prime’s monthly subscription for Rs 179, quarterly subscription for Rs 459, and annual subscription for Rs 1,499, which includes free shipping, Amazon Prime Video, and Amazon Prime Music services.
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