Apple has reportedly added three new suppliers in India in 2022, taking the total number of suppliers to 14. As per the list, the three new suppliers are Molex, Onsemi, and Shenzhen Erwin Precision Technology. While Molex and Onsemi have facilities in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu respectively, Shenzhen Erwin Precision Technology is based out of Uttar Pradesh.
The report didn’t mention what Apple sources from these three suppliers. Apart from this, Apple continues to work with its existing suppliers which it added earlier, which includes its three contract manufacturers - Hon Hai (Foxconn), Pegatron and Wistron along with component suppliers including Foxlink, Jabil, Flex and others.
It must be noted here that a major chunk of Apple’s suppliers is still based out of China with 151 facilities serving the company’s supply chain. In China, Apple has added five suppliers and has removed eight from the list. On a global scale, the iPhone maker has removed 19 suppliers while has also added 18 new ones.
Apple hasn’t added Tata Electronics to its suppliers' list in India. The company has already started supplying mechanics for iPhones and assembling small batches of the iPhone SE.
The Tata Group is set to take over Wistron's manufacturing unit in Karnataka and is expected to play a major role in iPhone manufacturing in the coming years. The report also mentions that the trial production of the iPhone 15 is already underway.
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