Delhi police has arrested a student of IIT-Kharagpur student from Patna for alleged online stalking of minor girls from a reputed school in Delhi. The cyber stalker is pursuing B-Tech from IIT Kharagpur and was allegedly involved in uploading morphed nude photos of minor girls. The accused used hi-tech apps for fake caller ID and virtual numbers available on PlayStore to contact and harass victims who were all minor.
The accused Mahavir Kumar is stalking minor girls of the school and also sending WhatsApp messages and calling teachers of the school from various international numbers and from numbers of students and teachers itself.
They further alleged that cyber stalker is entering online classes of school and joining WhatsApp groups without the approval of admin and changing group icons.The man was also involved in circulating several morphed photos of the students on several social media platforms.
As per the police, the accused used a number spoofing app through which he used to call victims. The victims would see their own mobile number displayed on their screen. Then using virtual numbers he used to send WhatsApp messages to share morphed nude photos of victims and blackmailed them.
He also created several fake Instagram accounts of minor girls for contacting other known girls of the victims and joined a WhatsApp group created for online classes of school by asking links.
Intensive investigation from 50 victims, teachers and parents provided crucial leads and the accused was identified from the city of Patna.
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