Minister of State for IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar said India plans to have 100 chip design startups in the near future. He stated that the country also plans to create a talent pool of 85,000 highly-skilled professionals in the sector. The Indian government has earmarked a budget of Rs 1,200 crore to invest in the Indian semiconductor design startups.
"Our target is to create 100 semiconductor design startups as there are immense innovation possibilities in this space. With brand new curriculum in place, we will soon deliver a brand new 85,000 talent pool not only for India but also for the world". There is nothing in the digital space or in the tech space that India will not be a part of in the coming years," said the minister.
On this occasion, Japanese semiconductor manufacturing company Renesas Electronics President and CEO Hidetoshi Shibata said that India is a critical part of the company's global business and there are countless opportunities for collaboration in the semiconductor space. India recently launched a Rs 76,000-crore production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for semiconductors and display manufacturing units.
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