With the upcoming iOS 18, Apple may extend its Live Voicemail feature with text transcription to more regions, including India. Initially introduced with iOS 17, this feature allows users to divert voice calls to voicemail within the iPhone's Phone app.
While initially the feature was available only in the United States and Canada, Live Voicemail can now be experienced in the iOS 18 developer beta in India.
Live Voicemail with text transcription provides users with a real-time transcription of the voicemail message, enabling them to read the message instead of listening to it. This can be particularly useful for quickly assessing the importance of a voicemail without needing to play the audio.
Expanding this feature to more regions, including India, will enhance its accessibility and usability, providing a broader range of users with the convenience of text-based voicemail management.
With the upcoming update, Apple has made it easier for users to access and manage voicemail with the addition of a dedicated toggle for Live Voicemail on iPhones.
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