Lenovo has introduced PCs that comply with the Government of India's Preferential Market Access Policy, with motherboards that are Made-in-India. As a result, Lenovo will be able to claim the Class 1 PMA bracket for a limited number of devices when more than 50% of the components are produced locally. According to Saurabh Agrawal, Chief Operating Officer of Lenovo India, this is a critical turning point in building and growing Lenovo's manufacturing presence in India.
This announcement comes after the launch of the company’s Shared Support Center in Bengaluru in August this year.
With the recent announcement of approval to 27 firms under the PLI2.0 for IT Hardware Scheme, Lenovo has the additional impetus to increase PC production capability and, thereby, contribute to India’s Make in India initiative under the PLI 2.0 (Production Linked Incentive) scheme1, he said.
The annual capacity of the Pondicherry plant is to manufacture 1.4 million units with the utilisation being nearly half at present. The plant manufactures almost 4,500 units in a day per shift with three shifts working at present. 15 types of models are manufactured which includes the latest V15 and Thinkbook15, said a company official.
While talking about expansion plans, Agarwal said, “We are continuously working on that. The PLI is one step in that direction, and we are fully committed to that.”
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