Myra School of Business, Mysuru has announced the launch of an Analytics and Data Science (A&DS) Lab at their campus. The lab sponsored by ACER and AMD, is the first of its kind industry-academia collaboration in Mysuru aimed at training students in data analytics. Data scientists, data engineers and business analysts are among the most sought-after jobs in India and there is a huge shortage of talent when it comes to these skill sets.
The Lab features, fully networked high-end AMD powered PCs and laptops from ACER. It is equipped with latest analytics software like Systat and OriginPro. It has a dedicated server to host networked drivers and to facilitate seamless exchange of information. Using the latest audio-visual aid and 20 Mbps internet connectivity, students will get trouble free access to various e-learning tools, discussion forums and shared drives.
The A&DS Lab is also equipped with facilities that encourage immersive learning. Its design and layout are inspired by co-working spaces to promote an open exchange of ideas.
Speaking on this occasion, Dr. Sudhi Seshadri, Dean, MYRA School of Business said, “MSB has been running a specialisation in analytics and data science from its inception; and we thank Acer and AMD for giving this opportunity to our faculty and students to work together, create best practices and drive new knowledge. The A&DS Lab is part of the school’s continuous effort to bridge the gap between business education and corporate expectations; and reflects its constant endeavour in up skilling our students.”
Harish K Kohli, President and Managing Director, Acer India, said, “We are extremely delighted to partner with AMD to shape our young leaders of tomorrow, innovators and problem solvers through our initiative. Our mission has always been to transform and reimagine education by sparking curiosity amongst students in India. To be a success in today’s rapidly evolving technological set-up, it is important that we expose and train the students with the latest technological advancements and get them to work on the best of products available globally.”
Vinay Sinha, Managing Director, Sales, AMD India Private Limited said, “At AMD, we harness the power of our world class technologies to give back to the communities we operate in. So, we are excited to collaborate with Acer and help MYRA set up this A&DS Lab. It will help students acquire critical skills needed to succeed in today’s data driven business world. Students will learn to run analytical programs and statistical models in this modern lab equipped with the best computing systems.”
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