Mumbai based Sound Solution has recently organized Sound Premier League (SPL) 2020 cricket tournament. It took place at Urban Sports Park, Sree Narayana Mandir Samiti, Sree Narayana Nagar and it is the second edition of SPL. The cricket tournament was exclusively organized for the IT Channel Partners to foster the mutual bond among the partners.
The tournament involves two groups with three teams in each. Group A teams include Acer Achievers, Dell Champions and Epson Warriors. Group B had teams like Lenovo Hitters, Philips Strikers and Samsung Tigers. All the teams played a five overs match each with their opposition. From Group A, Acer Achievers and Dell Champions while from Group B Philips Strikers and Lenovo Hitters qualified for semi-final matches. The final match was played between Acer Achievers and Lenovo Hitters. Acer Achievers wins the final of SPL 2020 and Lenovo Hitters becomes the runner-up.
Acer Achievers won Sound Premier League for the second time in a row.
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