Recent updates to the messaging software Telegram have included additional functions. Along with many other features, the updated application now includes wallpaper for both sides, narrative data, unique replies, and profile colors. Reposting stories from friends and channels and adding video messages to stories are other new features.
Telegram now allows channels to track their reach and performance with new story statistics, allowing users to see story views, shares, and reactions through a detailed graph.
Telegram is making it easy to find relevant channels. From now on, when you join a channel, you will see a list of similar channels. Users can also find similar channels from a channel’s profile. Notably, only public channels will appear in the suggestion list. Telegram says that similar channels are selected automatically based on similarities in their subscriber bases.
Users can now repost stories from their friends and channels to their own page. Reposting stories also allows users to add extra content like text, audio, or video comment. The option to report a story is available through the share arrow button. Notably, only stories that are visible to everyone can be reposted.
Telegram now allows users to add video messages in stories, which can be resized and moved around the screen. Users can also add it along the time axis to start or end at any frame. Users will be able to use this feature for creative purposes, such as to provide commentary or context to a picture, talk to themselves in a comedy sketch, and more. To record a video message, hold the camera icon in the story editor.
Premium users of Telegram have been enjoying the ability to transcribe voice and video messages as well as translate the audio in different languages. Now, Telegram is extending this feature to everyone on the app, with a limit to convert up to two messages per week into text. To do this, they just need to tap on the ->A icon on the audio message. In addition, Telegram has also added custom reactions for channels, code highlighting in messages, and more.
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