Encrypted messaging app Telegram will introduce a stories feature, similar to WhatsApp. The upgrade, which is accessible to all users, commemorates Telegram's tenth birthday. The platform adds features like dual camera mode, adjustable time options, and extensive privacy settings. It has over 800 million active users. According to CEO Pavel Durov, Telegram wants to reimagine social media.
“In just a decade, Telegram gained over 800 million active users purely thanks to word of mouth. Through numerous updates and improvements over the years, Telegram has redefined what a modern messaging experience should be like. The next step for Telegram is to go beyond messaging and spearhead innovation in social media in general. We should use our popularity to change the lives of billions for better, to inspire and uplift people on our planet. Today’s gradual roll-out of stories for all users marks the beginning of this new stage in the history of Telegram. While this past decade was exciting, the next 10 years will be the time when Telegram reaches its true potential," Pavel Durov, CEO and Founder, Telegram wrote on his blog.
Telegram has extended the Stories feature for all its users. Earlier, it was only limited to premium subscribers on the platform. This was one of the far most-requested features – and the company has spent several months innovating and refining the format. Telegram Stories have all the things a user can expect in terms of utility, ease and innovation.
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