WhatsApp, which is owned by Meta, is said to be testing a new secret code feature for locked chats on Android. Users may soon be able to hide the entry point for opening locked chats by accessing a settings area within the list of locked chats. The entry point will no longer appear in the chat list after configuring a secret code.
With this feature, the report mentioned that users gain enhanced privacy by removing the entry point to the locked chats list, others won't be able to easily identify or access the conversations that are locked. This will ensure that others can't easily identify or access these secured conversations, effectively preventing accidental or unauthorised entry into sensitive discussions.
With the locked chats list hidden, even if someone gains physical access to a user's phone, they won't be able to easily identify or access the conversations that are locked. This will ensure that others can't easily identify or access these secured conversations, effectively preventing accidental or unauthorised entry into sensitive discussions.
With the locked chats list hidden, even if someone gains physical access to a user's phone, they won't be able to see your sensitive conversations.
In addition, hiding the list of locked conversations helps prevent exposure because anyone can understand that there may be some locked conversations, according to the report. Meanwhile, WhatsApp has added a new 'Protect IP Address in Calls' option that helps hide your location from other parties on the call.
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