Billionaire Elon Musk said that long-form videos will soon be available on smart televisions after it has been reported that X plans to launch next week a TV app for Amazon and Samsung users. The platform rolled out an early version of video and audio calling for some users last October, after Musk had said he planned to turn it into a super app offering services from messaging to peer-to-peer payments.
"Coming soon," Musk said in a brief response on X to a user's posting that the platform's long-form videos could be watched directly on smart TVs.
Earlier, it was reported that the app could look similar to the TV app offered by Google's Youtube. It cited an unidentified source as saying Musk was set on competing with YouTube.
X however did not give further details on the app.
In the push to become a "video-first platform", X has been forging partnerships with the likes of former Fox commentator Tucker Carlson and former CNN anchor Don Lemon.
The platform, which has struggled to retain advertisers amid controversies ever since Musk bought it in 2022, said last month it would enable advertisers to run video ads next to certain content creators.
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