The government of Madhya Pradesh announced that Bhopal will be India’s first 5G-enabled smart city. With this announcement, Bhopal joins the list of Indian cities, such as Mumbai, New Delhi, Lucknow, and Bengaluru, that are said to get 5G services first.
Bhopal will be among the four major locations for the 5G pilot project. The other three locations include Delhi airport, Kandla port in Gujarat, and Bengaluru metro rail.
The capital city of MP will pilot 5G internet services in select areas in the next four months and will involve a partnership between the government and one of India’s telecom companies to conduct 5G trials, giving citizens the access to high-speed internet.
India’s leading telecom companies, Airtel, Jio, and Vi India, have not confirmed any details about 5G trial sites in Bhopal yet, but, in the meantime, all three companies have been conducting trials in other major cities.
As said by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman during the Budget 2022 session, the commercial deployment of 5G services in India may begin towards the end of 2022. The spectrum auction is likely to take place around the middle of the year.
The Department of Telecom has confirmed that 5G trial sites have already been installed in select cities including Gurugram, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Delhi, Jamnagar, Ahmadabad, Chennai, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Pune, and Gandhinagar.
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