The government informed Rajya Sabha on Friday that charging stations for electric vehicles are being set up at 22,000 of the 70,000 petrol pumps across the country. Replying to supplementaries during the Question Hour, Heavy Industries Minister Mahendra Nath Pandey said as a priority, such charging stations for electric vehicles would be set up at express highways, highways and populated cities.
He also added that the government under the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid) Electric Vehicles in India (FAME India)-II scheme has directed an institution working in the field of automobiles (ARAI) in Pune to develop a prototype for fast charging of electric vehicles. The minister said that the aim is to have it in the market by December 2022.
"Our ministry along with the ministries of petroleum and power are jointly working towards implementation of FAME India. We are working towards setting up charging stations in 22,000 of the total 70,000 petrol pumps across the country and work is on in this regard," the minister informed the House.
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