US-based IT services company Genpact is using a generative AI tool, 'AI Guru', to help employees learn, effectively manage teams, and advise team leaders.
In 2019, when Genpact decided to put most of its learning online, they curated an online platform called Genome to reflect the idea that learning was part of the company's DNA. By early 2023, Genome had exponentially boosted learning at Genpact with over 50,000 learners every month. However, the platform lacked the number of master gurus who could curate the courses, add Genpact-specific content, and answer questions on online forums.
To solve this problem, the Genome team rolled out a chatbot called AI Guru, a digital twin of all the gurus collectively, powered by OpenAI's GPT-3.5 via Azure OpenAI Service, available around the clock. Trained on three years' worth of course content, along with questions and answers from Genpact's intranet hosted on Microsoft SharePoint, AI Guru is now available to several thousand senior learners globally.
Today, AI Guru has become a learning companion and leads learning and content management for Genome. As of mid-September, 400 people had asked AI Guru 1,500 questions, including advising team leaders on how to manage their teams more effectively.
The company's vision for this tool is to make AI Guru a coach for specific roles to guide people on skills they should be learning. For example, a first-time manager who needs constant coaching can talk to AI Guru for guidance.
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