RP tech India has announced the launch of All India COVID-19 Vaccination Drive for its channel partners. Under the drive, partners will get rewards for vaccination. The objective of the vaccination drive is to encourage RP tech partners to take the COVID-19 vaccine and protect themselves and their loved ones from the deadly coronavirus infection.
Rajesh Goenka, Director, Sales & Marketing, RP tech India, says, “The second wave of corona pandemic is more severe and deadly. The cases are rising at an exponential rate across the country. We care for our partners and as a responsible organization, want to make sure that our channel ecosystem stays safe and healthy. The vaccination drive aims to encourage partners to secure their vaccine shot and help the government and healthcare system in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The scheme is valid from 7th May till 31st May for the first 1000 partners. Partners who get the first dose of vaccination will receive an RP tech Gift voucher worth Rs 500/-, whereas partners who secure the second dose will be rewarded with RP tech Gift voucher worth Rs 1000/-
Earlier, RP tech India had rolled out a free vaccination drive for its employees and their family members. The initiative received an overwhelming response from the beneficiaries. The latest drive is also expected to get an excellent response from the channel partners.
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