Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has sought a Rs 1,778 crore interest-free loan for the T-Fiber project from the Centre aimed at providing internet connectivity to households for Rs 300 per month. The Chief Minister informed Union Communications Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia that the state government targets to provide fibre connections to 63 lakh households in rural areas and 30 lakh households in urban areas at a cost of Rs 300 per month.
The CM said that the state government has already mobilized Rs 530 crore through various financial institutions for the T-Fiber project which is being taken up at the cost of Rs 1,779 crore. He requested the Union Minister to sanction Rs 1,779 crore interest-free long-term loan through the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USFO) to the state government.
The Chief Minister was accompanied by Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka. Under the T-Fiber project, the state government is committed to providing connectivity to all gram panchayats, mandals, and districts through optical fibre under the T-Fiber project.
He apprised Scindia of the state government’s plan to provide internet services, cable TV and e-education services to 93 lakh households, apart from extending G2G (Government to Government) and G2C (Government to Citizen) connectivity to 65,500 government institutions.
The CM also informed Scindia that the state government already provided a Rythu Nestham programme to 300 Rythu Vedikas through T- Fiber and an internet facility is made available to social welfare schools.
He urged the Union Minister to provide the first phase of the National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN) infrastructure to the state government in time, telling him that while the first phase of NOFN is running on the basis of linear architecture in some districts, T-Fiber is functioning on ring architecture in the remaining areas.
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