Now, WhatsApp desktop users no longer need to link their primary smartphone to send, receive and sync messages, as the Meta-owned app has introduced a desktop app for Windows. The new app is native to Windows and works as a standalone app without relying on the phone app.
The new native app will offer increased reliability and speed, designed and optimized for desktop operating systems. Users no longer need to keep their phones online to sync messages between the phone and the desktop app. WhatsApp said it is currently working on a native app for macOS as well.
Previously, users on Windows had to download WhatsApp’s web-based desktop app or access the messaging service from their web browsers. The new app is native to Windows, which should make the app faster and more responsive.
The app can be downloaded via Microsoft App Store. WhatsApp desktop app native to Mac operating systems is currently under development. Users can download WhatsApp beta programs for early access.
Once downloaded and installed on your desktop, to login:
Open WhatsApp on your phone
Here, tap on More options on Android or Settings on iPhone.
Next, tap on Linked Devices.
Point your phone camera to the QR code that appears on your WhatsApp Desktop app.
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